Friday 25 January 2013

Box Of Tricks!

First of all I apologise for this blog post being blogged last minute, I had completely thought I had done it until I was reviewing my blog and realised it was not there. Sorry fellow bloggers. Now Box of Tricks, well where do I start with this wonderful blog. First of all the thing that struck me first about this blog was that it was created by a teacher from Nottingham, therefore you know that this blog is reliable, who wouldn’t want a blog that is reliable and trustworthy? This blog inspires everyone from students to teachers, it has something for everyone. It is so easy to use with lots of links and has a basic language for all to understand, including me so it must be understandable. It is appealing to the eye, it’s not one of those blogs that ramble and looks boring, trust me if it was like that it wouldn’t even be on my blog yet alone me blogging about how good it is. It shows teachers and students how new technology and websites, which are taking over our lives can inspire them to use in their learning and teaching. It has links where you can connect this blog to your Facebook and Twitter which is great for students, especially the ones that live on these sites! I have to be honest I absolutely love the resources A-Z link that they have, this was probably the deal breaker for me to pick this blog, it has all the up to date forms of websites that can be used in all styles of learning, it has something for everyone. I also like the fact that there is a small paragraph beside each website address telling you exactly what this websites enables you to do, so it then becomes so much easier to find what you are looking for if you haven’t already found it from the search box, yes that’s right it even has a search box, I know it has everything right? Who has time to click on each of the links to be taken to the website to find out for themselves what it is? I cannot believe this blog it has everything. Fellow bloggers whether students or teachers looking for new ways to teach or learn then look no further just click on the link in the sidebar of my blog and be ready to be amazed. I know I was.

Wednesday 23 January 2013

Revision, Revision, Revision!!!

I can seriously say that I absolutely cannot wait until these exams are finally over, I have found myself talking to myself in the house to make sure I understand it, I think everyone think’s I have lost the plot, it’s more like I have lost the will to live. I have even resorted to saying the word’s ‘piaget, Vygotsky, Inclusion’ in conversation’s. I came in the house today after popping down to town for some retail therapy and my mother says ‘Where have you been then?’ I replied ‘I went down to piaget for a break.’ The look I had said it all really. Mental hospital here I come. These words are constantly circling in my head I have thought of nothing else for days, not even food and I LOVE food! Never mind just hope it’s all worth it and then I won’t mind having the funny looks off everyone that has been around me since I have started revising.

Wicked Wordle!

Wordle: EDU500 spring 2013 Wordle is a toy for generating ‘word clouds’ from text that you provide. Unfortunately I was unable to create my own Wordle for some reason, I don’t know why, but I shall use an example from the Wordle gallery shown above. Wordle is becoming extremely popular and even has teachers writing into them asking if they could use Wordle in the classrooms. I think that this is a great idea. Children will have the enjoyment of making them whether it’s for revision, learning within the classroom or anything else. I think that Wordle could help a lot of children become inspired to learn or revise more through the enjoyment that they get just by creating them. Depending on the learning style of the child or person using Wordle it could become a very big revision or learning tool. I think that this would definitely help me to remember certain words for an exam as I can remember pictures well and I could picture this all colourful and something that I have created myself makes it harder for you to forget. I think that Wordle will begin to grow all over schools, collages, homes and even universities in order to help people have fun and learn at the same time. Who would have thought they would see the word’s fun and learn in the same sentence?

Tuesday 22 January 2013

Facebook: Good Or Bad?

Launched since 2004 Facebook has over 1 billion active users. Even After 8 years of popularity it is still very much on the rise. Well why wouldn't it?... it has a smooth registration process in order to activate yourself a Facebook page. It is absolutely free which suits everyone and it's cheaper than texting and phone calls because you can connect to friends and family from all around the world. Facebook it also great to play your favourite online games and store/share your videos and photos and guess what? FOR FREE!! Facebook it such an open book there is so much things that can be done over facebook it's unbelievable but is it always a good thing? Facebook personally I think does not have enough security, the legal age to have a Facebook page is 13 years old but yet there are people that i know on Facebook and i know that they are not 13 years old, that's all you need is an email address which children now normally have for school purposes and then fake their date of birth. For children this young plus alot of other people there is no where near enough privacy and this usually leads to cyber bullying which needs to be completely STOPPED! and there is always the possibility of identity theft. I also think that Facebook is beginning to take over people's lives, they are constantly using it and children are no longer getting the fresh air that they require, instead they are stuck in their bedroom using Facebook along with other computer games. Personally I think that Facebook is undoubtedly a fantastic invention when used correctly. I know myself it has been a life saver since i have started university with the ability to talk and ask questions to the girls whenever I want, about whatever I want. It has helped me so much, especially when comes close to assignment dates and there is something you are panicking about. Personally it has to be said for the purpose of university I Love Facebook!

What Not To Do!

This is my goal on what not to do in university!

Sunday 20 January 2013

Just my luck!

On my way with Shauna to meet the boys ready for the football, and what do I go and do? Not see ice on the edge of the pavement, so I ended up in a heap on the floor and now sitting in the A&E and not watching the football, it is absolutely jam packed in here, looks like most of the people have face planted the snow, ouchh
Never mind looks like a long day ahead not like I can go anywhere I am in agony :(

Ted Talk

I see this video as a true inspiration to everyone. As autism is becoming more common as Faith states within her video, I think that her idea on spreading the awareness and understanding of this diagnosis is important for people to understand. I think that people appreciate what Faith is saying, she speaks with experience. She explains to people that some of the facts of autism, I think she does this to show people the effects it has on the people with autism and the people that know someone with autism. I think that this pseech can change alot of people's views within the aspects of autism. Faith starts off saying that autism is 'a complex brain disorder that effects social communication learning and sometimes physical skills.' I noticed that Faith Jegede started her talk with the same line that she ended it with, 'Please, don't tell me I'm normal.' I think that this line could be an inspiration to everyone, I see people as individuals not normal, I completely disagree with the term 'normal' what is normal? I wouldn't want to be labelled 'normal' would you? I want to be different, myself. I think that Faith is a true inspiration to us all. She has grown up around autism nearly all her life and even as a child she adapted this into her own life. It must be hard for a little girl to come to terms that her brothers that she had probably always wanted couldn't do the same as she could or all the other children in the park. Her brother's were completely different, as no case of autism is the same in every person, but she states that were not only different they were 'extraordinary.' People with autism don't usually fit in with society's version of normal and are often misunderstood, but yet you watch this video and see how they have changed Faith's life and what they have taught her in her life. They have taught her life, communication, love and that 'normality looks over the beauty that differences give us.' This video will hopefully change many people's perspective that they have with autism, they are not just people with a Special need or disability, they are human beings and i think they are truly amazing.