Saturday 19 January 2013

Snowy Valleys

Absolutely knackered today, aching all over. I think it's safe to say that my inner child emerges at the sight of snow. Walked over 12 miles, but that is clearly my exercise for the year. I think it's now time to settle down and start more revision for the exams, they are coming so fast. Never mind it all has to be done, be worth it in the end.
This is the snow in The Valleys.........


  1. My inner child definitely came out too Soph! I played fetch with the dog yesterday using snowballs, then had a big snowball fight with the kids in the street. Loads of fun!

  2. I understand the joviality of the oncome of snow, but with our exams very close, I have to say it's become a pain. Lots of snow equals children not in school which equals noisy demanding kids wanting drinks food and other necessities of life. Who do they think I am?? Their mother? No, I'm a stressed out 40 something old student who hasn't taken an exam in nearly 20 years and need my girls in school for some peace and quiet. So, noooooooo, snow go away!!! :)
