Wednesday 23 January 2013

Wicked Wordle!

Wordle: EDU500 spring 2013 Wordle is a toy for generating ‘word clouds’ from text that you provide. Unfortunately I was unable to create my own Wordle for some reason, I don’t know why, but I shall use an example from the Wordle gallery shown above. Wordle is becoming extremely popular and even has teachers writing into them asking if they could use Wordle in the classrooms. I think that this is a great idea. Children will have the enjoyment of making them whether it’s for revision, learning within the classroom or anything else. I think that Wordle could help a lot of children become inspired to learn or revise more through the enjoyment that they get just by creating them. Depending on the learning style of the child or person using Wordle it could become a very big revision or learning tool. I think that this would definitely help me to remember certain words for an exam as I can remember pictures well and I could picture this all colourful and something that I have created myself makes it harder for you to forget. I think that Wordle will begin to grow all over schools, collages, homes and even universities in order to help people have fun and learn at the same time. Who would have thought they would see the word’s fun and learn in the same sentence?

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