Tuesday 22 January 2013

Facebook: Good Or Bad?

Launched since 2004 Facebook has over 1 billion active users. Even After 8 years of popularity it is still very much on the rise. Well why wouldn't it?... it has a smooth registration process in order to activate yourself a Facebook page. It is absolutely free which suits everyone and it's cheaper than texting and phone calls because you can connect to friends and family from all around the world. Facebook it also great to play your favourite online games and store/share your videos and photos and guess what? FOR FREE!! Facebook it such an open book there is so much things that can be done over facebook it's unbelievable but is it always a good thing? Facebook personally I think does not have enough security, the legal age to have a Facebook page is 13 years old but yet there are people that i know on Facebook and i know that they are not 13 years old, that's all you need is an email address which children now normally have for school purposes and then fake their date of birth. For children this young plus alot of other people there is no where near enough privacy and this usually leads to cyber bullying which needs to be completely STOPPED! and there is always the possibility of identity theft. I also think that Facebook is beginning to take over people's lives, they are constantly using it and children are no longer getting the fresh air that they require, instead they are stuck in their bedroom using Facebook along with other computer games. Personally I think that Facebook is undoubtedly a fantastic invention when used correctly. I know myself it has been a life saver since i have started university with the ability to talk and ask questions to the girls whenever I want, about whatever I want. It has helped me so much, especially when comes close to assignment dates and there is something you are panicking about. Personally it has to be said for the purpose of university I Love Facebook!

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