Sunday 20 January 2013

Ted Talk

I see this video as a true inspiration to everyone. As autism is becoming more common as Faith states within her video, I think that her idea on spreading the awareness and understanding of this diagnosis is important for people to understand. I think that people appreciate what Faith is saying, she speaks with experience. She explains to people that some of the facts of autism, I think she does this to show people the effects it has on the people with autism and the people that know someone with autism. I think that this pseech can change alot of people's views within the aspects of autism. Faith starts off saying that autism is 'a complex brain disorder that effects social communication learning and sometimes physical skills.' I noticed that Faith Jegede started her talk with the same line that she ended it with, 'Please, don't tell me I'm normal.' I think that this line could be an inspiration to everyone, I see people as individuals not normal, I completely disagree with the term 'normal' what is normal? I wouldn't want to be labelled 'normal' would you? I want to be different, myself. I think that Faith is a true inspiration to us all. She has grown up around autism nearly all her life and even as a child she adapted this into her own life. It must be hard for a little girl to come to terms that her brothers that she had probably always wanted couldn't do the same as she could or all the other children in the park. Her brother's were completely different, as no case of autism is the same in every person, but she states that were not only different they were 'extraordinary.' People with autism don't usually fit in with society's version of normal and are often misunderstood, but yet you watch this video and see how they have changed Faith's life and what they have taught her in her life. They have taught her life, communication, love and that 'normality looks over the beauty that differences give us.' This video will hopefully change many people's perspective that they have with autism, they are not just people with a Special need or disability, they are human beings and i think they are truly amazing.

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